Contoh Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris (Conversation)

Wili      : “Good morning Venny!”
Venny  : “Good morning Wili. How are you?”
Wili      : ”I’m fine thanks. How about you?”
Venny  : ”I’m fine too. How was your studytour last week?”
Wili      : “That was very amazing. But, I felt so lonely without you.”
Venny  : “I’m sorry. I didn’t go there.”
Wili      : “Why did you cancel?”
Venny  : “Suddenly my body was feeling itch. Certainly, my mother prohibit me to go to Yogyakarta and  finally all of my plan must be canceled.”
Wili      : “Poor you…. But I’m happy to see you again now. Have you recovered?”
Venny  : “Yes, I have. Emmhh, do you have conversations with foreign tourists in there?”
Wili      : “Yes I do. My friends forced me to did it. They want to take a picture with them.”
Venny  : “Are you sure?? Good job my friend. I believe you can do it. Where do they come from?”
Wili      : “Thank you. You are greatly exaggerated! They are come from England, China, and Netherlands.”
Venny  : “I’m so happy to hear that. By the way, how does the Yogya food taste?”
Wili      : “I think it’s not so good. The taste is very tasteless for me. My tangue can’t adapt with their foods.”
Venny  : “Ahahahaha…. Really?”
Wili      : “Yes, of course.”
Venny  : “ I want to ask you, why didn’t you and your friends go to Keraton Yogyakarta and Museum Dirgantara?”
Wili      : “First, we did’nt go to Keraton Yogyakarta because there was a celebration to celebrate prophet Muhammad SAW’s birthday. So the place is closed. And second, we didn’t go to Museum Dirgantara because the day was night.”
Venny  : “Oh, I see. Do you bring souvenirs from Yogya? What are they?”
Wili      : “Yes, I do. There are five clothes, one brem, two hangers and two broochs. Oh, I will give you something. This is it!”
Venny  : “ What a beautiful brooch. Thanks Wili!”
Wili      : “No problem. Emmh…. Is there a homework for today?”
Venny : “ No, there is not. Wili, do you remember Mrs. Nina gave we a task and it must be finished tomorrow?”
Wili      : “ Oh my God. I forgot!”
Venny : “Well, how we do it together this afternoon?”
Wili      : “That’s a good idea. Ok! I’ll give you a call later.”
Venny  : “Ok. I will look forward to your phone call.”
Wili      : “Oh, no. Mr. Maman is coming We must to sit down.”
Venny  : “That’s right. Let’s do it!”

Related : Contoh Percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris (Conversation)

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