Abbreviations F - J

F, G, H, I, J


FA Fibre Access
FBMC filter bank multi-carrier
FCP Fault Contact Point.
FCP  Fibre Concentration Point
FD : Floor agen
FDB  Fibre Distribution Box
FDF  Fibre Distribution Field
FDH  Fibre Distribution Hub (another term for FCP)
FDP : Fibre Distribution Point
FFP : Fibre Flexibility Point
FITH Cabling : Fibre in the Home cabling
FiWi fiber-wireless 
FiWIN Fiber-Wireless Integration and Networking
FSAN : Full Services Access Network
FTB : fibre termination box
FTM : Fiber Termination Management
FTTB  Fibre To The Building
FTTC  Fibre To The Curb / Cabinet
FTTD Fibre to the Door
FTTdp : Fiber to the DP
FTTH  Fibre To The Home
FTTN  Fibre To The Node
FTTO  Fibre To The Office
FTTP  Fibre To The Premises
FTTx  Generic term for all of the fibre-to-the-x above
FWA  Fixed Wireless Access


GEM GPON Encapsulation Method
GBP British pound sterling
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GoS Grade of Service
GEM GPON Encapsulation Method
GPON : Gigabit Capable Passive Optical Network
GPR Ground Potential Rise
GTCS General Terms and Conditions for Sale


HA Hardware Abstraction
HC  Home Connected
HDPE  High-Density PolyEthylene
HFC  Hybrid Fiber Coax
HGU : Home Gateway Unit
HP  Homes Passed


IA Integrated Assurance
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
ICI inter-cell interference
IDP  Indoor Distribution Point
IEC  International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE  Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IL  Insertion loss
IMP  Indoor Manipulation Point
IMT International Mobile Telecommunications 
IoE : Internet of Everything
IoT : Internet of Thing
IP  Ingress Protection (also intellectual property)
IP Internet Potocol
ISO  International Organization for Standardization
ISP : Inside Plant
ISP  Internet Service Provider
ISSU in-service software upgrade
ITS intelligent transport systems
ITU-T  International Telecommunication Unit – Telecommunications


Related : Abbreviations F - J

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