Abbreviations K - O

K, L, M, N, O


KB : Kilo Byte
Kbps : Kilo bits per second


LLU Local Loop Unbundling


MB : Mobile Backhaul
MDU  Multi-Dwelling Units
MEMS  Micro Electro Mechanical Switch
MioT Massive Internet of Things 
MMDS  Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service
MMF  MultiMode Fibre
MN  Main Node
MPF Metallic Path Facility
MSO : multiple system operators
MTTR mean time to repair
MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operators
MVOIP Mobile Voice over Internet Protocol
MVR : Multicast VLAN Registration
MDG Millennium Development Goals


NCA National Competition Authorities
NERG : Network Enhanced Residential Gateway
NFV : network functions virtualization
NGA  Next Generation Access Network
NGN  Next Generation Network
NGSA Next Generation Service Assurance
NMS  Network Management System
NOMA non-orthogonal multiple access
NRA National Regulatory Authorities
NTU  Network Termination Unit


OAM : Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
OB-I Open Broadband Infrastructure
OCP Open Compute Project
ODC   : Optical Distribution Cabinet
ODF  Optical Distribution Frame
ODN  : Optical Distribution Network
ODP : Optical Distribution Point
ODR  Optical Distribution Rack
OE  Optical Ethernet
OFDM Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OF-DPA OpenFlow Datapath Abstraction
OHDF Optical Hand Over Frame
OLA  Operational Level Agreement
OLT : Optical Line Termination
OLTS  Optical Loss Test Set
OMCI ONU management and control interface
OMP  Optical Manipulation point
ONF : Open Network Foundation
ONIE Open Network Install Environment
ONL Open Network Linux
ONT : Optical Network Termination
ONU : Optical Network Unit
ONU  Optical Network Unit
OPGW  Optical Power Ground Wire
OPL : Optical Path Loss
OPP : Optical Path Penalty
OS : Operating System
OSP : Outside Plant
OSS : operations support system
OTDR  Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer
OTO  Optical Telecommunication Outlet
OTP : Optical Termination Premises
OTT over-the-top 
OVS : Open Virtual Switch

Related : Abbreviations K - O

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