Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

To the teachers who I respect, to my beloved friend, and everyone who attending in this place, thank you very much to give me time so I can stand up here in front all of you to deliver a speech.

On this happy morning, let us reflect and pray together for a moment, hopefully we are up this morning still blessed with happines by God the Almighty, given the power to give thanks always. And let us prove to keep running and doing the obligation who ordered by Allah the Lord is the Most Just. Prayers and greetings hopefully forever devoted to Prophet Muhammad, his families, his friends and to ours. Amien

Ladies and Gentleman,
The Indonesian Declaration of Independence was officially proclaimed at 10.00 a.m. sharp on Friday, August 17, 1945. The declaration marked the start of the five year diplomatic and armed-resistance of the Indonesian National Revolution, fighting against the forces of the Netherlands until the latter officially a knowledged Indonesia's independence in 1949. In 2005, the Netherlands declared that they recognized Indonesian independence isin 1945, not 1949.

Every year on 17th August, Indonesia’s celebrate the Independence Day. It’s very fun. There are a lot of contest, like Panjat Pinang. And in Istana Merdeka, they are having ceremony. May be, some of you go to have celebrate. You must be spirit in the Independence Day, you look our hero, and they are held the pass to gain freedom. And us, we’re as the student, we have to have spirit to celebrate the Independence Day. If you confess you’re Indonesia’s people, you must care about Indonesia, the Independence Day of Indonesia, and all of Indonesia you must like, because it’s your country.

Ok, may be enough from me. Sorry if I had some mistakes. Billahitaufiq wal hidayah

Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb




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