Raiders fans descend clash with Texans on Mexico City for Monday night

MEXICO CITY — America's national anthem was not booed on Monday night at the Estadio Azteca, only a very few spectators even raised a whistle of protest.

Otherwise, a grand old stadium that heaves once it fills to capacity — and is frequently bathed in a sea of color — only two color,  was blanketed in black.

Raider Nation spread its wings in anticipation of Oakland’s much-anticipated showdown with the Houston Texans as the NFL. Journeyed south during the regular season for the first time since 2005. These fans came to jeer Brock Osweiler, not The Star-Spangled Banner.

 Mexican-style of American football, is a sensory explosion. Let’s start with the smells, which is never a bad place to start, because that means food.

“It is like a tailgate on steroids,” Hector Ramirez Said, he Raiders fans from Sacramento. He tooke the red-eye — in a middle seat — but he arrived Monday morning with a beaming smile.

“The food is unbelievable.”

NFL stadiums have gone distinctly gourmet in recent times. The Azteca is no price-inflated farmers' market. Two-minute noodle cups with an obligatory slice of lime were the most popular item for available, carne asada and every type of salted,  closely matched by street tacos, sugared or deep fried concoction that could be packed into a big clear plastic bag.

Some Texans fans stood quietly munching in a corner while being gently ribbed by the throng of Raiders supporters that outflanked them at every turn.

“What are you guys even doing here? This is Raider-town” one of them  shouted.

It was, at least on this day. The Dallas Cowboys are by far the best-supported team, but the Raiders are much loved as well, they respect to other. In no small part thanks to their bad boy image.

“Mexicans don’t like their sports stars to be too pretty,” Said Jaime Gerner told to Media, he is a former Mexican-American football player-turned-actor.

“The same goes for their teams.”

Black and white face paint was everywhere. in town. Raiders jerseys and T-shirts adorned almost every back, and pro-Oakland war cries could be heard from hundreds of feet away on the approach to the stadium, even three hours prior to kickoff.

“We love to be loud,”  a Mexico City small business owner, Stephen Grace, who previously lived in San Francisco, he said. “That is how Mexican sports must be. We are not spectators. We do not spectate. We come to be a part of the game by making a lot of noise.”

The local contingent, however, was also joined by a solid core of traveling supporters from California. Ramirez was part of a group of six friends who pledged to journey to the game as soon as it was announced. They flew late Sunday night dressed in the same jerseys they would still be wearing 24 hours later, connected via Guadalajara in order to secure a cheaper ticket, hit up a local bar all afternoon, before finally taking their place at the Azteca.

“I had to take the whole week off work to make sure I was able to travel for the Monday night game,” Paul Diaz, 30, said. “It is OK. I might need the rest of the week to recover.”

The visitors were welcomed warmly, and with their fierce war paint were in high demand for photos. Ramirez commented that he never knew there were so many football fans in Mexico.

“Not football fans, Raider fans.”  came the answer from a local woman

Related : Raiders fans descend clash with Texans on Mexico City for Monday night

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