Materi Bahasan Bahasa Inggris Semester Ii Kelas 3 Sd

·               Januari = january
·               Februari = February
·               Maret = march
·               April = april
·               Mei = may
·               Juni = june
·               Juli = july
·               Agustus = august
·               September = September
·               Oktober = October
·               November = November
·               Desember = December
·               I am seven years old = saya berumur 7 tahun
·               She is eight years old = beliau (perempuan) berumur 8 tahun
·               He is nine years old = beliau (laki-laki) berumur 9 tahun
·               Hello!
I am mira
I am eight years old
My birthday is in March
·               Happy birthday, mira
How old are you?
I am nine years old
·               Happy birthday, bob
How old are you?
I am ten years old
·               When is your birthday?
My birthday is in August
·               Koko : Bob, how old are you?
Bobby : I am, ten years old
Koko : When is your birthday?
Bobby : My birthday is in May
·               Dita : Mira, how old are you?
Mira : I am nine years old.
Dita : when is your birthday?
Mira : My birthday is in August

Unit 7 It’s five o’clock
·               What time is it?
It is five o’clock
·               It is five o’clock
It is time for bath
·               It is six o’clock
It is time for breakfast
·               It is seven o’clock
It is time for school
·               It is one o’clock
It is time for lunch
·               It is seven o’clock
It is time for dinner
·               It is ten o’clock
It is time for bed
·               What time is it, mira?
It is twelve c’clock
Is it time for sinchan?
Yes, it is
·               What time is it, bob?
It is seven c’clock
Is it time for Doraemon?
No, it isn’t. it is time for popeye
·               Look TV kegiatan :
06.00 Teletubbies
08.00 Doraemon
09.00 Hatori
10.00 Sinchan
11.00 Flinstone
12.00 Popeye
·               What time is it, tessa?
It is six o’clock
Is it time for teletubbies?
Yes, it is
·               What time is it, indra?
It is eight o’clock
Is it time for hatori?
No, it isn’t. it is time for doraemon.
·               What time is it, koko?
It is twelve o’clock
Is it time for popeye?
Yes, it is
·               What time is it, dita?
It is ten o’clock
Is it time for flinstone?
No. it isn’t. it is time for sinchan

UNIT 8 Bobby is flaying a kite
·                  Kite = laying-layang
·                  Slide = perosotan
·                  See saw = jungkat jungkit
·                  Swinging = ayunan
·                  Frees bee= piring terbang
·                  I am flying a kite (saya bermain layang-layang)
·                  I am climbing a tree (saya memanjat pohon)
·                  He is playing a slide (dia (laki-laki) bermain perosotan)
·                  She is swinging. (dia (perempuan) bermain ayunan).
·                  They are playing a see-saw.(mereka bermain jungkat-jungkit).
·                  He is playing a fress bee. (dia (laki-laki) bermain piring terbang).
·                  She is sitting on the grass ( dia(perempuan) duduk diatas rumput).
·                  He is reading a book (dia (laki-laki) membaca sebuah buku)
·                  Are you playing a kite? .(apakah kau bermain layang-layang?).
Yes, I am.
·                  Are you playing a slide? .(apakah kau bermain perosotan?).
No, I am not. I am swinging.
·                  Are you reading a book? (apakah kau membaca buku?)
Yes, I am
·                  Are you playing a frees bee ?
No, I am not. I am flying a kite
·                  Are you swinging? (apakah kau bermain ayunan)
Yes, I am
·                  Are you sitting on the grass? (apakah kau duduk di atas rumput?)
No, I am not. I am climbing a tree.
·                  What are you doing? (apa yang kau lakukan?)
I am climbing a tree (saya sedang memanjat pohon)
·                  What are you doing? (apa yang kau lakukan?)
I am swimming
·                  What is tommy doing?
He is playing a frees bee.
·                  What is mira doing?
She is swinging

Unit 9 The school is near the bank
·                  School = sekolah
·                  Bank = bank
·                  Market = pasar
·                  Temple = candi
·                  Restaurant = restoran
·                  Mosque = masjid
·                  Church = gereja
·                  Post office = kantor poas
·                  Zoo = kebun binatang
·                  Park = taman
·                  Library = perpustakaan
·                  Swimming pool = bak renang
·                  Where is she? (dimana beliau (perempuan))
She is in the library (dia (perempuan) ada di perpustakaan)
·                  Where is he? (dimana beliau (laki-laki)?)
He is in the swimming pool (dia (laki-laki) ada di bak renang)
·                  Where is mira? (dimana mira?)
She is in the library (dia ada di perpustakaan)
·                  Where is your mother ? (dimana ibumu?)
She is in the market (dia ada di pasar)
·                  Where is koko? (dimana koko?)
He is at school (dia ada disekolah)
·                  Where is your uncle? (dimana pamanmu?)
He is at the bank (dia ada di bank)
Unit 10 the computer is next to the printer
·                  Basket = keranjang sampah
·                  Correction fluid = penghapus tinta
·                  Printer = printer
·                  Desk = meja kerja
·                  Desk tidy = kawasan pensil di atas meja
·                  Diskette= disket
·                  Paperclip = penjepit kertas
·                  Martin : where is the printer ?
Mira : it’s next to the computer
·                  Mira : where is the basket?
Martin : it’s under the desk
·                  Martin : where is the paper clip?
Mira : it’s in the drawer
·                  Mira : where is the lamp?
Martin : it’s on the desk
·                  Martin : Can I borrow your stapler, mira?
Mira : sure. Here you are
Martin : thanks
·                  Dita : can I borrow your pencil, ali?
Ali : I’m sorry. I’m using it.
Dita: that’s all right
·                  cd

Related : Materi Bahasan Bahasa Inggris Semester Ii Kelas 3 Sd

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