Lockdown As A Prophetic Solution Survived From Pandemic

Lockdown As A Prophetic Solution Survived From Pandemic  Lockdown As A Prophetic Solution Survived From Pandemic

Story of the Companions of the Prophet's Survivors from the Pandemic Disease that Remembers 20 Thousand People

At present the Government of the Republic of Indonesia will intensify the search for people in contact with corona patients to overcome the widespread outbreak of a disease called Covid-19. This was done Following the announcement of the first death due to corona virus in Indonesia and the status of a global pandemic.

The government reiterated that the world now no longer makes it easy for movement from one country to another, following a statement issued by WHO that the corona outbreak as a global pandemic.

Here the author invites dear readers to know, how the Story of the Companions of the Companions of the Prophet Survived the Pandemic Disease that Killed 20 Thousand People? Well...! Here's the explanation ...

This story is told in more rincian in the book Khalifah Umar bin Khattab RA by Shaykh Ali Ash Shalabi..Year 18 Hijri

That day the Caliph Umar bin Khattab RA along with his friends walked from Medina to the Land of Sham. They stopped in the border area before entering Sham because they heard that there was an outbreak of Tha'un Amwas that was sweeping the country. An infectious disease, lumps throughout the body which eventually burst and cause bleeding.

Abu Ubaidah bin Al Jarrah, a Companion of the Prophet, who was greatly admired by Umar, was the Governor of Sham, when he came to the border to meet the group of Caliph Umar. A warm dialogue among the friends, whether they entered or returned to Medina. Umar Bin Khatab, who is intelligent and inferior, asks for advice and opinions from the Muhajirin, Ansar, and people who joined Fathu Makkah. They all differed opinions ..

Even Abu Ubaidah RA wanted them in, and he said why did you run away from the destiny of Allah SWT?

Then Umar RA refuted it and asked Abu Ubaidah. If you have a goat and there are 2 (two) arable land and dry land, where will you direct your goat? If it is directed to dry land it is God's destiny, and if you direct it to fertile land it is also God's destiny. Indeed, with our return, we only move from one destiny to another.

Finally the differences between the sahaba ended when Abdurrahman bin Auf RA delivered the following hadith of the Prophet Muhammad:

أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ إِذَا سَمِعْتُمْ بِهِ بِأَرْضٍ فَلاَ تَقْدَمُوا عَلَيْهِ وَإِذَا وَقَعَ بِأَرْضٍ وَأَنْتُمْ بِهَا فَلاَ تَخْرُجُوا فِرَارًا مِنْهُ ‏"‏‏

Meaning: If you hear the plague hit a country. Then don't enter it. And if you are in that area do not you come out to run away from him (HR. Bukhari & Muslim)

Well...! In the end they went back to Medina .. Umar RA felt unable to leave his best friend whom he admired, Abu Ubaidah RA .. He also wrote a letter to take him to Medina. 

But he is Abu Ubaidah RA, who lives with his people and dies with his people ..

Umar bin Khatab RA was crying reading the reply letter ..

And he cried when he heard Abu Ubaidah, Muadz bin Jabal, Suhail bin Amr, and other noble friends radiyallahuanhum died because of the plague of Tha'un in the land of Sham. In total about 20 thousand people died, almost half the population of Sham at that time ...

In the end, the plague stopped when Amr bin Ash RA's friend led Syamsuri. His intelligence saved Syam. The results of his tadabbur and his closeness to nature ... Amr ibn Ash said:

O people, this disease spreads like a fire. Keep your distance and split up by placing yourself in the mountains ..

They also scattered and occupied the mountains.

The plague stopped like a fire that was extinguished because it could no longer find material that was burned ... Then, learn from how the best people behaved in the midst of the spread of the plague ...

So here is a guide and good news for believers in the midst of the corona virus outbreak or Covid-19, this virus continues to spread rapidly to areas far from the center of the outbreak. this sadness for all of us.


this is in accordance with the words of the Prophet Muhammad above, then that is the concept of quarantine that we know today. Isolate the area affected by the plague..All countries do it ..
So, it is not a servant who is plagued by plague and then he settles in his village with patience and knows that nothing will happen to him except what Allah SWT determines, for him the reward of a martyr (HR. Bukhari and Ahmad)
Third, be kind and sincere.
Because Rasulullah SAW said which means:  It is not Allah Almighty sends down a disease unless He also lowered the antidote (Narrated by Bukhari) Umar bin Khattab sought to avoid it and Amr bin Ash sought to remove it.
The fourth, MUCH PRAY.
And we pray that salvation every morning and evening.
Hopefully this article is useful ..

Related : Lockdown As A Prophetic Solution Survived From Pandemic

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